Life is a lot, and (God love ‘em) kids add an extra level of crazy. You never stop, and every ding from your phone induces another level of anxiety - whether it’s a negative notification from the news, or a text from the groomer that you forgot to pick up the dog… again. 

sound familiar? 
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Hey! I'm Amy Kathleen


Eps. 59 :: Show notes Life is a lot, and (God love ‘em) kids add an extra level of crazy. You never stop, and every ding from your phone induces another level of anxiety – whether it’s a negative notification from the news or a text from the groomer that you forgot to pick up […]

Why “A Storied Table?”



Eps. 58 :: Show notes Have you ever heard certain concepts, even appreciated them, but couldn’t relate to them at all? Have you ever had an unexpected slowdown in life that makes you feel like you’re not just slowing down, but you’re actually going in reverse? Have you ever felt life taking you on a totally new […]

Part 2 :: A New Thing and the Story Behind It



Have you ever looked back at the events or stories of your past year and finally realized how it all connects together? It took looking back, and zooming out before you could actually see the bigger picture.

Part 1 :: A New Thing and the Story Behind It


— Tina Fey

I was a little excited, but mostly blorft. ‘Blorft’ is an adjective I just made up that means ‘completely overwhelmed but proceeding as if everything is fine and reacting to the stress with the torpor of a possum’. I have been blorft every day for the past seven years.